Tuesday, October 08, 2013

A cistern arrives

Building an off the grid cabin in the woods, at least for us, is a marathon; not a sprint. The goal is to never be done and to always improve which makes this week's activity worth mentioning.

Brother John had plans at his farm in Carter County Kentucky that included installation of an underground cistern up on a hill at a fresh water spring. The plan would provide fresh spring water at the house below. Unfortunately, after purchasing the cistern, the project was never completed and the cistern sat idle beside the barn awaiting a future use.

On Sunday, Kuma d.o.g. accompanied me on the 85 mile drive to Carter County to pick up the cistern for ManCamp. After much effort and struggles, it was loaded on the trailer for the trip back to Ohio.

With the cistern at Fosson Family Trail in Ohio, I'm now looking forward to digging a hole and installing it for rain water collection from the cabin roof.

The cabin continues evolving to a self-sufficient off the grid dwelling. Sometime soon, we will enjoy a sufficient supply of fresh water.
1200 gallon cistern for underground installation.

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